

英漢字典: go along with

go along with   (TTS發音)

1. accept;agree with同意;贊成

    We cannot go along with you on this point. 在這一點上我們不能同意你的意見。

    I can't go along with your plan. 我不能同意你的計劃。

    He could go along with it most of the way,but not entirely. 他大部分同意,但不完全同意。

    I don't go along with doing things like that. 我不能同意那樣做。

2. go together with;accompany與…一道前進;伴隨

    Increasing unemployment has gone along with rising prices all over the world in recent years. 近年來,全球的失業人數增加是與物價上漲齊頭並進的。

    You go along with Henry;I'll come shortly. 你隨亨利去,我一會就來。

    I go along with you as far as the post office. 我陪你走到郵局為止。

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